July 26, 2011

Those Simple Small Things

This refashion I almost didn't put up because I barely had to do anything. I decided to still put it up only because I love it, but I'll make it short for ya.

Before: (try to ignore my face, I was not expecting to be in this picture but it was too funny to crop out)

AFTER! (My face is still not exactly normal in this due to the fact my eyes are closed. But that is just the result of blinking 7x more than the average human being (the average human blinks once every 5 seconds, meaning I blink 1.4 times a second. Now my lovely sister is an equally lovely photographer but even she does not have the skill to catch me eyes open, yet. I have hope in a more photogenic future.).)

shirt (aka the refashion)- thrifted
pants- thrifted (converse brand)
shoes- shoeology on etsy (I LOVE THESE)

That's all folks.

1 comment:

  1. OHH!! Yes!! You've just given me the inspiration I was looking for :) Can't wait to try this with my shirt. It's been sitting around waiting for me to figure out what to do for months now. FINALLY!! lol thanks :)
